10th February 2014
Mr. Dylan Ong, Marketing Officer of Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak Campus, Malaysia interviewed potential CQUniversity students from Bangladesh at ABEC (Sister concern of ABDA) on 10th February 2014. He had a long discussion session with ABEC’s Admission Officers. He explained about new student VISA processing system of Malaysia, life over there and other relevant facts.
20th May 2013
SPOT ADMISSION has been held by Mr. Ganindu Goonewardana, International Officer of Buckinghamshire New University, UK at Australia Bangladesh Education Consultants (ABEC) office (Sister concern of ABDA) on 20th May 2013. Mr. Ganindu issued some students offer letter on the spot day.
5th June 2013
Australia Bangladesh Education Consultants (ABEC) office (Sister concern of ABDA) has been organized a Spot Admission & Interview Session for Mr. Saurabh Suri, Regional Director of Greenwich School of Management on 5th June 2013. Thanks to Mr. Saurabh Suri for the successful Spot & Interview Session.
21st December 2013
The Management Edge (TME)-BD and the Bangladesh Society for Human Resource Management (BSHRM) officiated a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate in various areas of training, research, human resource development and the promotion of instructional and institutional excellence. At a ceremony held at TME-BD Campus, the MOU was signed by Mr.Prasenjeet Mukherjee, COO of TME-BD and Mr. Md. Musharrof Hossain, President of the BSHRM.
26th August 2013
CEO of Assetz Mr. Mike Holland came to Bangladesh for Four days (August 26 – August 29, 2012) as business trip. He met with ABDA directors as well as Ministers and private investors in Bangladesh in order to discuss about scopes of ABDA’s investment in various sectors as well as visited several place for seeking suitable area to establish private SEZ at BD.
1st February 2014
3DI School, NZ at BD has launched its new campus at Lalmatia-Dhaka, in front of Lalmatia Mohilla College. With four locations in the Dhaka area, one of the main goals of the Center is to increase support for the Lalamtia area which is the very prime zone at Dhaka city.
20th August 2013
ABEC has launched his Operation at Sylhet in cooperation with green hope as its OMB this office has located very prime location at Ananda Tower, 1/D (Ground Floor), North Dhopadighirpar, Jail Road, Sylhet.
28th September 2013
Manushree Bahukhandi, General Manager of The Management Edge (TME) – Australia came to Bangladesh for Seven days (September 28 – October 04, 2013) as business trip. She met with ABEC Directors, TME-BD team and several Govt. body, Private Body as well conducted a seminar on Global Career Through Global Education.