2nd May, 2012
Mr. Juris Wulfius, International Business Manager, Division of IT, Engineering and the Environment, UniSa visited Australia Bangladesh Education Consultants (ABEC) office (Sister concern of ABDA) on 2nd May 2012. He talked about UniSa, met with the prospective students of UniSA, took interview and had a session with ABEC team.
5th May 2012
Manager of CQ University’s South Asia region Mr. Sumit Aggarwal interviewed potential CQU students from Bangladesh at ABEC (Sister concern of ABDA) on 5th May 2012. Subsequently he had a long discussion session with ABEC’s Admission Officers. He explained about new student VISA processing system of Australia, life over there and other relevant facts.
2nd June 2012
ABEC (Sister concern of ABDA) along with The Management Edge Group (TME), a Registered Training Organization registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), have signed an agreement to conduct educational programs leading to Certificates recognized under the Australian Qualification Framework. ABEC is planning to launch the service from this year on its well furnished campus in Bangladesh.
3rd June 2012
ABEC (Sister Concern of ABDA) is going to introduce 3DI Schooling Program in association with Lifeway College, New Zealand and Storm Group. This product is especially designed for the kids of class 1 to class 10 as a co-curricular activity besides main stream education. Through this system students will able to develop creative thinking and will be more capable.
7th March 2013
Discussion on Strategic Plan For Implementing "National Skill Development Policy-2011" held 7th March 2014, chaired by Mr. Mikail Shipar, Secretary of Ministry of Labor & Employment. National Skill Development Council, The Management Edge (TME)-BD & All stakeholder eg; several ministry repetitive, ILO Representative was present the session.
25th January 2014
Mrs Anita Chauhan, Manager, South Asia, Edith Cowan University (ECU) visited Australia Bangladesh Education Consultants (ABEC) office (Sister concern of ABDA) on 25th Janaury 2014. She talked about ECU & met with the potential students of ECU, also took interview of the students and had a session with ABEC Admission Team.
27th January 2014
Regional Representative Officer, South Aisa of CQUniversity’s Mr. Sumit Aggarwal interviewed potential CQUniversity students from Bangladesh at ABEC (Sister concern of ABDA) on 27th January 2014. He had a long discussion session with ABEC’s Admission Officers. He explained about new student VISA processing system of Australia, life over there and other relevant facts.
29th January 2014
Mr. Nivas G, Marketing Manager of University of Sunderland has visited Australia Bangladesh Education Consultants (ABEC) office (Sister concern of ABDA) on 29th January 2014. He talked with all potential students who are interested to study in University of Sunderland and gave them a brief knowledge about the study in UK. He also had a meeting session with ABEC Admission Team.